Russo Global

Corporate Advisors

About Us

A world of experience

The Russo Global team has operated accross the world, building and managing businesses spanning the globe. Many mergers and acquisitons, joint ventures and start-ups.


Russo Global is headquarted in Tulsa, Oklahoma, the heartland of oil, gas, energy and construction. Our direct involvement in Canada, USA and South America markets is at your disposal.

Europe & Middle East

Over the last 30 years we have being part of multiple mergers, acquistions and corporate development in the core markets such as the United Kingdom, France, Germany and Swizterland.

Asia Pacific

Multiple business ventures in China, India, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Pacific Islands, Australia and New Zealand over the last 30 years provides a wealth of knowledge of emerging markets.

Corporate Advisory

Enabling firms to reach their potential

Strategic planning

Do you know where you are going? Do you know who you are? Do you know where you are? Do you know where you want to go and why? How are you going to get there? How do you know you have actually got there?

Many companies cannot answer these basic questions and the business drifts from one event, or crisis, to the next.

The experienced team at Russo Global takes a structured approach to charting a sustainable and profitable course for each business. No two are the same. We work to uncover your unique opportunities and assist you to develop a strategic plan which will transform your business.

Financial management

Improving the financial management of your business is critical if you are to achieve your business goals and remain competitive in a globalized marketplace.

Ensuring a regular and adequate supply of funds and returns to shareholders, optimizing funds utilization and creating a sound capital structure are some of the elements of good financial management.

Working together with your team we can help quanitfy your capital requirements, and develop optimal debt and equity strategies through sensible funding options. And we will assist with strategies for cash management, and ensure you have the financial controls you need.

Risk management

Risks to your business can come from any direction and can be very hard to predict. Managing risk is a critical part of business and planning for risks before they occur is a prudent strategy to safeguard your investment.

Risk management is a systematic process of making a realistic evaluation of the true level of risks to your business. Interest rate rises, inventory shortages or delays, workplace injuries, key staff leaving, natural disasters, new competitors, new technologies, and customer expectations are just some of the risks we encouter.

Russo Global will assist you to develop a systematic approach to risk evaluation and management.


Leadership and effective teams "go hand in glove". A high performing team will only exist if it has a high performing leader. Together, the leader and the team will generate a business which can create strong market leadership. Without a well led high performing team your business is destined for mediocrity, at best, or more likely, obsolescence and failure.

Leaders provide vision, systems, communication, culture and motivation to be better than the best.

The Russo Global team has built many businesses with high performing teams. We do not like second best and we can work with you to ensure you win.

Product development

In its simplest form, a business consists of “products, technologies and markets”. And simply, a business is either a leader or a follower.

Unique combinations of products and technologies create market leadership. Seldom is there market leadership without some form of technolgy leadership.

Market leadership is a necessary platform for exceptional profits and long term business success.

Our track record product innovation, commercialization and creating strong market positions is the foundation for assisting your business to develop a winning combination of factors which can drive your business success.

Marketing & distribution

Marketing is all about matching what you “produce" with what the customer “wants” in such a way that you make a profit. Marketing without profit creation is an exercise in futility. Advertising and sales are “subsets” of marketing, providing a means of getting your product to the customer.

Getting your products to market - creating demand, connecting with your natural market, establising performance, building networks, social presence and effective distribution, are some of the steps on the way.

It is not simply a matter of “throwing money at it”. We will work with you to develop and strategic marketing plan which will deliver the results within budget.

Mergers & Acquisitions

Enabling businesses to capture opportunities

Mergers & Acquisitions

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) involves elements of strategic management, corporate finance and management focused on the buying, selling, dividing and combining of different companies to enable an enterprise grow rapidly.

M&A may seem like the easy option to expand a company’s products, manufacturing scale, technological base or improve its access to markets, but it is not all plain sailing. Many mergers and acquisitions ultimately fail due to poor planning, execution or post merger management.

Over the last 30 years the Russo Global team has carried out over 40 M&A transactions providing scale for smaller businesses, through to “industry roll ups” to create large businesses with up to $400 million annual revenue.

Options analysis

Before anything is done we need to ensure that the company situation is fully understood. A poorly run business merged with another the same, or better, or worse does not automatically create a winning outcome.

The company initiating the M&A presumably wishes to lead post acquisition but if the business is lacking in strategy, systems and people, then disaster looms.

A starting point for any M&A must be an honest appraisal of the company’s current situation, competencies and deficiencies. Russo Global will guide the review process and, if required, assist with creating or updating your strategic plan and subsequent restructuring in preparation for the desired M&A.


There is a fine line between a merger and an acquisition and most assume that the target is the one that needs valuing. However, the acquirier must also be valued to answer one vital question - will the M&A "A+B" create more value for the shareholders and a better return on capital?

A range of valuation methodologies are used to evaluate the pre and post M&A situations depending on the industry, the stage of rhe business (start up or mature) and the comany’s overall preferences for methodology.

Direct valuation methods, such as discounted cash flow, provide a direct estimate of a company’s fundamental value. Relative valuation, such as price to cash flow or earnings indicate whether the company is fairly priced.


Whether you are on the buy side or sell side, access to all relevant documents for due diligence is critical. Russo Global has developed a range of document lists depending on the industry and stage of the company.

Ideally all relevant documents are in in digital form and organized in a secure environment, which may be a drive on a server or a virtual data room. The advantage of a virtual data room is that it can be tightly controlled by the managers of the information itself and not IT managers. And the business does not need to be over run by countless people disrupting the day to day business.

Ensuring that nothing is missed or misunderstood is critical and comprehensive planning and execution is important.

Due Diligence

Due diligence is not just about financial and legal aspects, although clearly these are very important and Russo Global can assist you with a comprehensive process. However, technology, product and often scientific due diligence are the real issues, along with freedom to operate.

Will the enterprise which will deliver the technology base, product range or market access desired? Russo Global experience will enable you to get what you require.

And then there is "operational due diligence”. How are you going to integrate and run the new business? We wil work with you to gain a thorough understanding of business operations and to create a post merger integration plan.

Process management

We cannot over emphasize the importance of a sound M&A process. While a good process can’t guarantee success, a poor process will almost certainly result in failure.

If M&A is to become a regular activity then the greater the need for well-designed methodology and a dedicated competent team. If M&A is occasional then a temporary project team and “one-off” approaches will often suffice. Either way, Russo Global will design the best process.

In designing this, we identify those who will ultimately “own the deal” to ensure accountability and smooth integration. They need to have a strong voice in controlling the decision making during the acquisition process.


Negotiation strategy is close to being art, not science. The right strategy will depend upon the nature of the transaction and the character of the target.

If the target has set up a limited or full auction, then buyer control is limited. Unless there is a compelling reason, buying under such circumstances is to be avoided.

If acting on the buy side then we favor obtaining exclusive rights for a period of time which will give the acquirer the ability to conduct a more rigorous due diligence and negotiation process. If we are on the sell side, we still favour dealing with suitably qualified parties in a semi-exclusive defined process so that the company is not having to deal with tire-kickers.


Operational due diligence is the foundation for post merger integration. Understanding the key success factors and how to retain these going forward is essential.

There are a whole range of issues to address in the integration of the business but most often to capture the value of the business, retaining key staff is a number one priority. While no one is irreplaceable, immediately post acquisition, certain employees will have outsized value in terms of retaining key customers, know-how, supplier relationships etc. Discussions and the timing of discussions with these staff is important.

Russo Global will work with you to develop a formal integration plan and team to ensure successful outcomes.

Capital Raising

Providing capital for business growth

Capital defined

Financial capital is any economic resource used by businesses to buy what they need to make their products or to provide their services to the sector of the economy upon which their operation is based; it comes from two sources: debt and equity.

Debt capital refers to borrowed funds that must be repaid at a later date, usually with interest. Common types of debt capital are bank loans, personal loans, overdraft agreements and credit card debt.

Equity capital refers to funds generated by the sale of stock, either common or preferred shares. While these funds need not be repaid, investors expect a certain rate of return.

Private equity (PE) offers a blend of equity and debt and typical strategies include leveraged buyouts, venture capital, growth capital, distressed investments and mezzanine capital; typically to gain control of an existing or mature company.

Venture capital (VC) is money provided to seed, early-stage, emerging and emerging growth companies. The venture capital funds invest in companies in exchange for equity in the companies it invests in, which usually have a novel technology or business model in high technology industries, such as biotechnology and IT.

Growth capital defined

Growth capital (also called expansion capital and growth equity) is a type of private equity investment, usually a minority investment, in relatively mature companies that are looking for capital to expand or restructure operations, enter new markets or finance a significant acquisition without a change of control of the business.

Companies that seek growth capital will often do so in order to finance a transformational event in their lifecycle. These companies are likely to be more mature than venture capital funded companies, able to generate revenue and operating profits but unable to generate sufficient cash to fund major expansions, acquisitions or other investments. Because of this lack of scale these companies generally can find few alternative conduits to secure capital for growth, so access to growth equity can be critical to pursue necessary facility expansion, sales and marketing initiatives, equipment purchases, and new product development.

Growth capital is often structured as preferred equity, although certain investors will use various hybrid securities that include a contractual return (i.e., interest payments) in addition to an ownership interest in the company. Often, companies that seek growth capital investments are not good candidates to borrow additional debt, either because of the stability of the company's earnings or because of its existing debt levels.


Russo Global has an international network of private investors and funds (US, Europe, Asia) with interests in a wide range of assets and industries.

These investors will consider funding equity and debt in the same entity or venture if the fundamentals meet their investment and risk criteria.

In addition, Russo Global has considerable experience in capital raising via IPO and finding cornerstone shareholders, and the required pre-IPO funding.


Russo Global network includes individuals, family offices, funds and banks who are willing to provide debt funding to businesses seeking additional leverage to capture growth opportunities.

Debt can be structured in a number of ways depending on the requirement, e.g. from a simple secured loan through to bonds or convertable notes.

Term of the debt can be structured and higher cost mezzanine debt fundign can also be arranged.


Where there is a fit with current direct investments, Russo Global will consider co-investment with appropriate parties in a more traditional private equity approach.

We have a particular interest in the energy sector, principally oil and gas and we are currently directly involved in the roll up of a number of junior ventures.

Russo Global’s partners have a number of hi-tech ventures and we are willing to further leverage our experience in commercializing novel technologies internationally.

Contact us

Russo Global contact

Head Office

13243 S Mingo Rd
Bixby, Oklahoma 74301

Phone: +1 918 407 2892

Email: Russ O'Kane

USA | Canada | China | Australia | New Zealand

© 2015 Russo Global Inc.